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Important updates

Q1 New Assessment Forecast shows $41.5 billion

On April 29, MPAC delivered the 2022 Q1 New Assessment Forecast update as required under our Service Level Agreement (SLA) with municipalities. Differing from the 2022 Revised Preliminary New Assessment Forecast that was shared in January, and which identified $40.4 billion in available new assessment, the Q1 update provided an increase of $1.1 billion in new assessment, resulting in a revised 2022 total of $41.5 billion across the province. 


Connecting at Conferences 

Over the course of the past few months, MPAC has had the pleasure of reconnecting with municipal and sector partners as we’ve returned to in-person events. Most recently, MPAC headed North and attended both the Northern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) Conference and the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) Conference. 


During the presentations, MPAC provided updates on key municipal projects like an e-permitting pilot with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s business services arm, LAS, a look into the data collected through our 2021 Building Permit Campaign, and how we continue to work on key deliverables like property inspections and sale reviews. For the second straight year, the City of Brampton topped the list for home improvements, with 7,382 residential home improvement permits in 2021. This represents a 29% increase from the previous year – continuing a trend that saw a 70% increase from 2019. Brampton was also the provincial leader in renovations/additions building permits, issuing 7,133 such permits, an increase of 29% from the previous year.   

MPAC’s School Support Modernization Project

With changes to the legislation governing the collection of school support information from Ontarians, and MPAC’s plan to ensure compliance with the legislation, we are seeking to implement solutions to improve the accuracy of the school support lists. As part of the plan, MPAC has launched an initiative to modernize our school support data collection process that will improve the efficiency and accuracy of the annual school support lists.  

Read more


In case you missed it – MPAC Enumeration Update 

On May 19, MPAC hosted a webinar focused on an update around Enumeration and important information municipalities should be keeping top of mind as we approach this fall’s election. 


Key takeaways from the webinar: 

  • Continue to use and promote the tool to help ensure a more accurate Preliminary List of Electors (PLE)
  • A reminder about the requirements of canvassing for enumeration products and redirect messaging; 
  • An overview of the production and delivery of electoral products including the PLE; 
  • An overview of the production and delivery of the Exception Files to support currency of information for your voter’s list; and
  • A discussion on how to submit Voters’ List Revisions to MPAC following the October 24th elections.


View the schedule of upcoming municipal webinars on and view recordings of all past webinars on our YouTube channel.


As COVID-19 continues to impact communities across Ontario, our offices remain closed to the public. We continue to be available to take your calls and assist you online – please contact us.


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